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AGV robotic forklift system

The AGV robotic forklift system is a new and innovative technology that allows for greater efficiency and productivity in the workplace. The automated guided forklift system can be used to move pallets of goods, as well as other items that would normally require a human operator. The automated forklift system is able to operate on its own without any need for human intervention, making it an ideal choice for warehouses or other manufacturing sites where employees are needed elsewhere.


AGV (automated guided vehicle) robotic forklift systems

AGV (automated guided vehicle) robotic forklift systems are a great way to keep your warehouse running smoothly. It's the future of automated warehouse operations, and it's already here.

AGVs are a type of automated guided vehicle, or AGV. They are used in warehouses, distribution centers, and other manufacturing facilities as an alternative to manually operated forklifts or pallet movers.

There are many benefits to using AGVs: they are much safer than manual labor; they can travel at faster speeds than humans; they can operate in areas with limited visibility; and they can work around obstacles such as pallets and other obstructions.

AGVs offer many advantages over manual labor and traditional pallet movers:

Safety—AGVs have sensors that prevent collisions with people or objects, which makes them far safer than manually operated forklifts or pallet movers.

Speed—AGVs can travel faster than humans because they don't get tired and don't need breaks. They also have better vision than humans do so they can see further ahead while traveling at high speeds through narrow corridors or around corners where visibility is limited by other objects in their path (like pallets). This means that more products

Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) robotic forklift systems are a cost-effective and easy way to automate your warehouse operations. They are ideal for use with pallet jacks and container trucks, and can be customized with a variety of options.

AGVs are designed to operate in a warehouse environment without any assistance from humans. The automatic guidance system allows you to set up the AGV for different tasks, such as moving pallets or containers around the facility. The system is equipped with sensors that help it navigate around obstacles and avoid collisions with workers or other equipment.

AGVs provide many benefits over manual labor:

• Lower costs - You no longer have to pay employees to move pallets around your warehouse all day long! AGVs can do this work for you while you focus on other important tasks like managing inventory and sales growth.

• Improved productivity - With fewer workers needed in the warehouse, AGVs allow you to increase production levels while reducing overhead costs on labor costs per hour worked per employee down significantly lower overall cost per hour worked per employee).

Specification of AGV forklist 

Plane handling forklift AGV, stacking alleyway small width

Fast speed, high operating efficiency, vision + inertia + laser navigation

CAN-open based full servo control system


All-round protection, high navigation accuracy

Intelligent forklift pallet, can be loaded with roller line, robotic arm and other application devices to achieve material gripping, running and other actions.

High lift truck parameter list



Lifting height (mm)

0-2000mm (can be customized)

Lifting load(KG)


Body size(mm)


Traveling speed


Accuracy (mm)


Navigation mode

Vision + inertia + laser navigation

Radius of turn(mm)


Climbing capacity


Front and rear laser safety scanner

Three levels of protection

Automatic cargo contour recognition system

Three levels of protection

Contact sensing unit

Mechanical protection

Sound and light warning

Warning protection

Wireless network

Industrial WIFI

System Interface

Reserved for WMS, MES, ERP, central dispatching system expansion port

Battery Type

Nickel-chromium / lead-acid / lithium (power type)

Battery voltage/capacity

Standard use 8 hours, can customize high capacity battery

Charging method

Manual charging/automatic charging/manual power change

Duration of charging


Main engine Color

Can be customized upon request

Service life

10 years

robotic forklift system