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warehouse materials handing agv robot

The warehouse is a busy place. At any given time, there are boxes and pallets being moved around, sorted into different areas, or loaded onto trucks. It's not just the physical labor that takes up time: there are also a lot of logistics involved in keeping track of what goes where.

The problem is that this can be very time-consuming for workers to keep track of and organize. If you're looking for a way to make your warehouse more efficient, consider using an AGV robot.

AGV robots (Automated Guided Vehicle) are designed to autonomously move materials around a warehouse floor. They can be programmed to move certain objects from one area to another, or even follow a specific path across the floor. This ensures that your warehouse runs more smoothly and efficiently—you'll have more time to focus on other aspects of running your business!


AGV robot for warehouse 

AGV robots are a common solution for warehouse automation. They are used to transport materials around a facility, and have been shown to increase productivity by up to 10%. AGV robots are designed to transport materials in a warehouse without the need for human intervention.

AGVs can be used in a variety of industries, including electronics manufacturing, healthcare, food processing and logistics. Some of these applications require the use of specialised AGVs that can handle certain types of products or work in environments where it's not safe for humans.

There are several different types of AGV robots available today including:

- Autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs) - These are generally used for material handling within warehouses and factories; they follow predetermined paths using sensors or radio signals from fixed points in order to navigate safely between locations with minimal human intervention required.

- Mobile robots - These are similar to AGVs but tend not to be as large because they don't need room for storage space for cargo loads like an AGV does; instead they're more compact so they can fit through narrow spaces inside buildings where people might not feel comfortable going themselves such as tight corridors or stairwells etcetera).

performance parameter


Model number


Overall dimension


Navigation type

Magnetic navigation

Driving form

Differential drive

Running direction

Multi-functional driving such as forward, backward, reverse, bifurcated turn, timed stop, reversing operation, etc



Max Load




Turning radius

500mmOr in situ90°/180°/360°revolve

Stop precision


Navigation accuracy




Charging mode

Manual charging/automatic charging (optional)

human-computer interaction

4.3Inch touch screen

Types of alarm

Audible and visual alarm

Communication network

WIFINetwork/RF network

Power battery

35AhHigh-quality lead-acid battery

Protection rate

Obstacle sensor+contact bumper+emergency stop button

Design life


warehouse materials handing agv robot